Study in Europe.
Study in Europe. You can choose a Schengen country - Hungary, Latvia, Greece, Malta or France - and study there. After your studies you can work or travel in any of the EU countries you want. You will get guidance by qualified people to find work; also you will be awarded a stipend for internships and other activities during your studies. The atmosphere is multicultural and we have lots of opportunities. It’s time to join this unpredictable journey! Work. Travel & Settle in any of EU Countries. High Ranked Universities of Europe. Job Search Visa After Study. Internship Stipend During Study. Truly Multiculturism Environment. No Block Account Funds. With / Without IELTS. Low Tuition Fee Expenses. Scholarships Seats Available. For Any Enquiry, Please Contact SWICS (P) Limited (Punjab Govt Approved Consultant, Co License No: 01/mc-2 SCF: 66, Phase -5, Mohali (Chandigarh) Mob No: 8872198200,8872198100